Questionnaires and Web Experiments

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A questionnaire is a research instrument that includes questions in a standard format to capture responses from respondents. The responses to each question (item) in a structured survey can be compiled and examined statistically. Many types of research use questionnaires, including market research and academic studies.

It is important to consider the intended audience of your survey when designing it. The questions should be straightforward and understandable without using technical terms or jargon that are difficult for non-experts. The length of the survey should also be kept short. People don’t like long surveys, and the longer a survey is more lengthy, the lower its response rate will be.

Web experiments are an online experimental research method that employs the browser as an interface, for example websites or mobile applications. This method has numerous advantages, such as the possibility of creating interactive and personalized tests, the possibility of monitoring user activity and conditional branching in accordance with the answers given previously by participants.

The disadvantages of web-based experiments include the lack of a control group, which can result in unintentional confounding and inadequate generalization. Due to the nature of interaction of web-based experiments, it can also be difficult to analyse their results.

Lastly, it is important to pretest your questionnaire, at the very least, using a suitable sample, before administering it in the field. This will help you spot any unclear or unclear language in the questions and eliminate them prior to administering the survey to your intended audience.

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